Are you ready to start developing an attitude of gratitude, intentionally live each day and be brave with your life?
We live in a busy world and many of us will admit that we are too busy, stretched too thin and that journaling would never fit into our lifestyle.
Let your joy be in your journey - not in some distant goal.

Scientific evidence supports that journaling provides unexpected benefits. The act of writing accesses your left brain, which is analytical and rational. While your left brain is occupied, your right brain is free to create, intuit and feel. In sum, writing removes mental blocks and allows you to use all of your brainpower to better understand yourself, others and the world around you.
​The art of journaling is fast becoming a lost art.
Keeping a journal helps us to understand our past, dream about our future and make sense of today. You may not understand what is happening while standing in the middle, but by recording your journey you can start to see the journey unfold.
​Our life is so much bigger than our current moment in time.
How the journey began.....
As a busy wife, mom, and small business owner, I know what it is like to be BUSY! I know what it is like to feel like your life is on auto pilot and each day become a blur and looks just like the last one.
After suffering a severe concussion from being hit by a drunk driver. For months after the accident I couldn't finish a sentence, pull my thoughts together or recall certain memories. This terrified me and kept me awake at night with worry. There were so many things I wanted to share with our daughters, so many thoughts and ideas I wished that I had written down. I had good intentions of writing them down, and now they were just out of reach of my memory and I worried if I would ever get them back.
I promised myself that if I got my memory back I would start writing everything down. I would share more with our daughters and I would find a solution to help others keep track of their thoughts and memories .
That is how the My Journey journal was born.
After weekly practicing the My Journey journal I have seen the dramatic difference that it makes in my everyday.
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